What Mean Woman Dress Up to Meet Man

What is Business Casual Attire?

The Dos and Don'ts of Dressing Down for Business

••• Sydney Roberts / Getty Images

Business casual sounds like a breeze. After all, with this dress code, you won't have to worry about what to wear to work, right? Not quite.

In fact, this dress code guideline is a frequent source of confusion for workers. And it's not their fault—there really isn't a clear, standardized definition. Business casual may mean different things in different companies, cities, and industries. And on top of that, understanding the subtle differences between "business" and "business casual" isn't easy.

When you're working remotely, there can be different variations of appropriate attire, and what you wear to work remotely may be different from what you wear on site.

One thing is clear: Dressing in shorts and a T-shirt or a sundress and sandals is too casual. But wearing a full suit is overly formal.

When in doubt, it's better to err on the side of dressing too formally, rather than too casually. But where's the line?

Get advice on appropriate business casual attire for men and women, along with tips on what to wear—and what not to wear—in the office and during job interviews.

Business Casual Attire Basics

Business casual attire

Emily Roberts / The Balance

What to Wear for Women

Appropriate business casual outfits for women include a skirt or dress slacks, blouse, sweater, twinset, jacket (optional), and hosiery (optional) with closed-toe shoes. Sandals or peep-toe shoes may be permissible in some offices but save flip-flops for the weekend.

Any working woman should have the following staples in her wardrobe:

  • Khaki, corduroy, twill, or cotton pants or conservative-length skirts
  • Sweaters, twinsets, cardigans, polo/knit shirts
  • A professional dress—try a sheath silhouette

Keep in mind that solid colors are generally preferable to busy or bold patterns.

What to Wear for Men

For men, appropriate business casual attire is dress slacks or chinos, a button-down shirt, dark socks, and dress shoes. Avoid wearing polo shirts to an interview, even if they are acceptable for the job in question. Do not wear jeans or shorts. Athletic socks are also a no-no.

The following will help you solidify good standing in a new position:

  • Khaki, gabardine, wool, or cotton pants, neatly pressed
  • Cotton long-sleeve, button-down shirts, pressed
  • Sweaters
  • Leather shoes, in black and brown
  • Leather belt, in black and brown
  • A selection of ties

What Not to Wear

When the dress code is business casual, it's not appropriate to wear your favorite old T-shirt, ripped jeans, ratty sneakers, or flip-flops. Remember the "business" part of business casual, and leave your old, comfortable clothes at home: outfits should still be clean, pressed, and fit properly.

Avoid clothing with logos or potentially offensive words or graphics.

Men do not have the option to skip shaving or to go without a belt. Women should not wear anything that's too tight, flowing, short, or low cut. Make sure that bra straps aren't visible. And it's a good idea to keep makeup natural and low key.

More Dress Code Rules

Look Before You Leap: If you are new to a job, avoid dressing like you're heading to a picnic until you understand the company standards. It's wiser to dress on the conservative side rather than show up underdressed. Check with HR or a colleague to determine what exactly business casual means for your company.

During job interviews, it's always best to opt for the more formal version of business casual.

Even if you show up and your interviewer is clad in shorts or a short skirt, that doesn't mean it would be appropriate for you to dress that way. During a job interview, you want to make a good impression, and part of that is dressing professionally. Here are outfits you shouldn't wear to a job interview, regardless of the dress code. And here are guidelines on what to wear to remote job interviews.

Maintain Consistency: If you wear professional and conservative outfits Monday through Thursday, don't show up Friday looking unrecognizable in ragged shorts and a concert T-shirt. That's true even if your office has "casual Fridays," when dressing down a bit is appropriate. While it's acceptable at many companies to wear jeans, for instance, you should opt for your best jeans, not a pair with stains or ripped cuffs.

Your outfit should always be formal enough (even on casual Fridays) that you can comfortably attend an unexpected meeting with your boss or client. No matter the company you work for, maintaining a consistent image helps to establish trust and credibility with you as an employee.

Consider Your Calendar: If you're meeting with clients or scheduling a business lunch, dress on the conservative side out of respect for the people you're meeting with. Save the casual comfort for a time when you'll be in the office all day.

Keep Cameras in Mind: In general, what you would wear to an in-person job should match what you wear if you're working remotely and will be in any meetings or conversations with the video on. Your industry, role, and company standards can guide your outfit decisions—along with your personal preferences. If you have many unexpected meetings with video turned on, it's wise to keep a blazer by your desk so you can slip it on and look more professional in seconds.

What to Wear When There's No Dress Code

What do you wear when there's no dress code at all, and almost anything goes? How casual is too casual? Here are tips for both men and women on what to wear to work and job interviews when there's no dress code at all.

Key Takeaways

  • There isn't a very clear definition of business casual, so follow the standards at your company and within your industry.
  • Some types of clothing, such as items that are ripped or wrinkled, are always off-limits, no matter how casual your company is.
  • When in doubt, opt to wear more formal outfits, rather than more casual ones.


Source: https://www.thebalancecareers.com/what-is-business-casual-attire-2061168

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